Re: How to detect a sniffer

Doug Hughes (Doug.Hughes@Eng.Auburn.EDU)
Sat, 6 May 1995 16:58:07 -0500

one might as well say it is possible for a man to build his
own rocket ship and fly himself to the moon, given enough
capital expenses.
 It would be more appropriate to say "redesign your entire
physical plant to prevent sniffers by using fiber in pressurized
conduits to detect penetration." Yes, THAT way you are very
likely to never have an undetected sniffer (some highly
sensitive organizations even do this).
 Suggesting someone scan every inch of his physical plant with
an electron microscope is completely absurd, no matter demonstrating
possibility or not.
 This whole thread is neither helpful nor inciteful and borders
on absurdity. Can we stop now?
just my down to earth $.02

 - dhh